Manos: The Hands of Fate is about as tedious as a movie can possibly get. Moronic characters, a total lack of acting ability, the shittiest editing and a soundtrack that sounds like it was made on a $99 Casio keyboard. It runs a good 20 minutes longer than it needs to and virtually nothing happens. Somehow it has developed a cult following for being possibly the worst movie ever made, no doubt in large part because of MST3K.
The story is simple, a family mistakenly stumbles upon a satanic cult and are persuaded to spend the night by Torgo, a weird, fat kneed caretaker. After some tragic events (actually it was a whole lot of nothing), the master who prays to Manos awakens along with his numerous wives to collect the mother to be his new wife. That is it. And precious little happens besides this. From a bunch of long driving scenes which usually go nowhere, a few of the masters' brides fighting in the least sexy see-thru gowns ever and some teens making out who get busted by the cops over and over and fucking over, and you pretty much have what makes up the running time for Manos: The Hands of Fate. For some reason it is entrancing, and like a car wreck you can't look away. It is quite incredible in that sense.
Joel, Tom Servo and Crow feel exactly as we do and let it rip. There are laughs galore and you'll find yourself making your own jokes right along with them. Shout! Factory delivers this brand new Two Disc Special Edition of Manos: The Hands of Fate complete with not only the MST3K episode but also a separate disc of the film itself! This is a perfect chance to get some friends together and start a drinking game. The episode is presented in its original 1.33:1 full frame aspect ratio and looks good with no distractions to be found. The 2.0 audio mix works fine for our hosts but the audio on the film itself is pretty difficult to understand and almost indistinguishable while Joel and the robots are talking over it. On the movie only disc, Manos is in noticeably rougher condition with a darker print that is dirtier and has more scratches. The audio is about the same here but without the crews quips it’s easier to decipher. Bonus features are plentiful including Group Therapy, a group interview with Joel, Trace, Frank and Mary Jo all discussing their good (and bad) memories of the movie; Hotel Torgo, a very entertaining and charming making of documentary featuring the supposed only known actor left from Manos; Hired! Parts 1 and 2 "just because we could" is a pair of short 1950s educational films of which part 2 plays and is riffed on before Manos which pairs nicely with another extra, Jam Handy to the Rescue!, which is a spoof on these types of short films. An interview with Joe on the history of the show with these short films, some MST Hour Wraps and an art card from Steve Vance round out this somewhat unexpected, yet very well done release.
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