Best friends since the sandbox, Jennifer Check and Anita “Needy” Lesnicki couldn’t have grown up to be any more different, Jennifer being a hot cheerleader that all the boys want to get with and Needy being a textbook dork. But they have a lot in common, and after Jennifer gets a crush on the lead singer of a band named Low Shoulder, she hauls Needy along to see them play a local bar. After Jennifer throws herself at the band and goes off to score a couple drinks, Needy overhears them talking about Jennifer, that while she flaunts it, never gives it away and is the town virgin, just what they’re looking for. While this couldn’t be further from the truth, Needy doesn’t take kindly to the remarks and tells Jennifer, who shrugs it off and seems to become entranced by the frontman. The set doesn’t last long however, as an electrical short in the band’s gear causes a massive fire, resulting in multiple casualties and the entire place burning to the ground. Jennifer and Needy escape, but in Jen’s daze, she agrees to go off with the band in their van. Needy knows better and goes home, only to have Jennifer show up hours later, covered in blood, gnawing on a Boston Market rotisserie chicken she grabs greedily from her fridge, and barfing up black goo. Strangely enough, the next day at school, Jennifer acts as if everything is normal and nothing has happened. So clearly it must just be a coincidence when the high school boys start turning up dead, half eaten…
I’m well prepared to catch some flak, especially in our forums, for that star rating above, but you have to hear me out first. Jennifer’s Body is an awful horror film; it’s wracked with clichés and there’s not one ounce of originality in its entire body (pun really not intended). However, as a total goof, an intended bad film, it’s rather entertaining. I know some will say I’m looking at this all wrong, the film was taken deadly serious by all involved, but I’ll argue with you all day about it, because there’s no film that’s intended to be serious that has dialogue like “ow, my tit!” when someone is stabbed in the heart. Jennifer’s Body is a comedy, a playful spoof of horror genre tropes, and in that respect it’s nowhere near as bad as some have made it out to be. There are even some genuinely funny moments, like the ridiculous portrayal of the goth kids, the hook-handed teacher, and Dauber from Coach screaming to the heavens he’s going to make someone’s balls into door knockers. Because nothing can be taken seriously here, the so-so acting can be overlooked (although Megan Fox plays her temptress role pretty flawlessly), Diablo Cody’s dialogue is a little less offensive and toned down from Juno (thank god, as I may have hanged myself otherwise), and lapses in logic can occasionally, but not always, be forgiven. There are even flashes of brilliance, most notably the penultimate scene in an abandoned pool house that oozes style and is extremely effective. This isn’t a great film by any stretch of the imagination, but in the right frame of mind, you could do a whole lot worse.
Your enjoyment will also hinge on how much you let certain detriments of the film affect your viewing experience. The aforementioned “I’m so hip” dialogue that plagued Juno is present in Jennifer’s Body, and if you base your decision about whether to stick with the film on the first 20 minutes alone, you’ll be horrified. If you can make it through though, things get reeled in for the most part, and while they still occasionally rear up, it’s never to the point of making you want to stab your eardrums with sharp instruments. There are some definite script problems that plague the film, two of the most glaring being never explaining why Needy seems to have a psychic link with Jennifer (being BFF’s is not an explanation), and the other that tosses all logic out the window when Low Shoulder comes back to play the school dance in the same town they think they killed Jennifer in. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't go back to a place where I think I murdered someone, especially if people saw me leave with that person, which they did. The other big problem is that the film never goes for the jugular like it should. Had it been more unabashedly gory or been filled with more explicit sex and nudity, the end result could have been a lot more fun and it would have hit the trashy, edgy note that it was obviously striving for. As it stands, Jennifer’s Body is a decent, if heavily flawed film that’s harmless and will more than likely be forgotten before the year is over, but being trivial doesn’t always equal bad.
20th Century Fox’s Blu-Ray release features both the theatrical and extended cuts of the film, both in 1080p AVC. The encode is pretty damn excellent, presenting both the bright outdoor scenes and murky interiors in great, consistent fashion. Colors are nicely balanced, and while there is a scene or two with some distracting grain (only because it pops up randomly, grain is fine IMO if it’s consistent), overall this is a very nice transfer. The DTS-HD 5.1 track is just as impressive, with nicely balanced bass and surround action, and is never overbearing. First up on the extras front is “The Dead Pool”, which is a behind the scenes look at putting together the strongest scene in the film, the climax. Greg Nicotero shows up in this piece to show how he pulled off the FX, which is always interesting. A collection of video diaries is up next, consisting of the three main actors, Cody, and the film’s producer, all talking about their experience on the film while shooting was going on. A nearly 30-minute piece with Diablo Cody getting interviewed by aspiring filmmakers is also included (in 480p), and considering the chick, as far as I’m concerned just got lucky, I didn’t really bother. Deleted scenes (mainly just longer cuts of scenes in the film), a gag reel (480p), a silly Megan Fox peer pressure PSA (480p), a 60-second quickie that features Fox’s hotter scenes in quick succession, and commentary on the feature from director Karyn Kusama and Cody (Kusama solo on the extended cut) round out the BR’s decent selection of bonus content.
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