The vampiric aliens are coming! The old, decked out in suits, sunglasses-wearing at all hours blood-sucking aliens are coming! And like any good diabolical alien life-form that needs blood from Earth to survive because their home-world has been ravaged by nuclear war, hot, big-breasted whores and strippers are by far the best source of the much-needed life blood. This is the exact predicament Mr. Johnson (ha!) finds himself in; he’s dying and needs blood to survive. Of course he isn’t accustomed to the ways of Earth, so he hires a number of people to work for him, including Dr. Rochelle, who analyzes his extra-terrestrial blood but is hypnotized to never say anything about his findings, a thug named Jeremy that’s looking to reform so he happily takes the job of being his housekeeper and chauffer, and young nurse Nadine (a 20 year old Traci Lords), who moves into the house to administer daily blood transfusions for his strange disease. Having Nadine and Jeremy move in may not have been Mr. Johnson’s wisest decision considering he has a hunger for bringing home young women that are never seen from again. But with Traci Lords on the case, we have nothing to fear!
A raunchier, bare skin-drenched remake of Corman’s 1957 sci-fi classic, Jim Wynorski’s take on Not of This Earth is a hell of a lot of campy fun. For one thing, you have an absolutely awesome performance courtesy of Arthur Roberts as Mr. Johnson. He plays things so dry and naïve yet with a bit of otherworldly disdain for all of these puny humans that you can’t help but like the guy. His interactions with the street walkers and ditzy strippers are hilarious and I’d honestly have loved to have had a couple more thrown in for good measure. It also works that while things are obviously strange about him, no one except for outsiders (you can never fool Blind Date's Roger Lodge, dammit!) seems to care enough at first to vocalize it. Dr. Rochelle has been hypnotized to never say anything that may implicate Mr. Johnson, plus Nadine and Jeremy are getting paid $2000 a week to work for him; yeah, I wouldn’t ask why he wore sunglasses 24 hours a day until things started getting really weird either. It’s sort of nice to see such an obvious quickie (as this is, since Wynorski bet Corman he could make the film faster and with the same budget as the original) have a bit of logical merit.
The real shining star of this though is Traci Lords. Fresh off her controversial stint in pornography, Not of This Earth was her first legitimate film, and her charm is undeniable. She’s witty, has fine comedic timing, and is an altogether very likeable leading lady. This obviously wouldn’t work in a serious film, but here it’s perfect, and it would have been nice if this lead to similar roles in comedic horror or sci-fi fare; if she had been a bit older and jumped into non-pornographic films a few years earlier, it’s not a stretch to imagine her gaining cult status by starring in films such as Night of the Comet or Night of the Creeps. Sure, the film really is nothing more that escapist, mindless entertainment, but how can you argue about getting to ogle a 20 year old Traci Lords for 80 minutes? This is the final time you’ll get to see her nude anywhere, and this is without question among the hottest I’ve ever seen her look. Those lips are amazing; the things she could probably do…uh….yeah, so Shout! Factory has graciously given Not of This Earth a nice little edition on DVD that sees the film get an all-new 1.78:1 anamorphic transfer. It looks really good, with little print damage and good color reproduction. The Dolby Digital 2.0 track is a bit uneven in the volume department, at times alternating between too soft and too loud, but you’ll never drop any dialogue and background hiss is kept at a minimum. Two commentaries are on hand here, one featuring just director Jim Wynorski from the old DVD release, and a brand-new track where he’s joined by Traci Lords. There’s a lot of entertaining reminiscing that goes on, with Wynorski talking glowingly about Corman and their time working with one another and Lords speaking about how much fun she had. Traci also appears in a 12 minute sit-down interview (still looking very bangable) where she speaks about seeing the film for the first time, how much she appreciates its impact on her budding career at the time, and how after this she deprived us all of any further nude scenes. Rounding out the extras is a trailer for the film, a stills gallery, and the usual clear case that features an insert and reverse artwork on the cover.
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