Inspired by the success of Bob Clark’s raunchy Porky’s, the Canadian teen sex comedy Screwballs (also taking place in some alternate version of the 50’s) tells the tale of young Purity Busch, a senior at Taft & Adams High (sound out the initials) who fancies herself better than every other student at the school. It’s not a far stretch when taking into account how sex-starved and depraved much of the alumni is. Five of those horndogs, who all end up in detention together for reasons ranging from impersonating a school nurse to give out breast exams and jerking off in the cafeteria, make a pact to break Purity down and somehow, someway see her naked from the waist up. Each of them ventures out on their own with their own scheme to see the Promised Land, but each comes up short, always winding up in more trouble than they bargained for. But while their individual efforts may have failed, working as a unit (pun totally intended) may prove to be more successful…
I don’t know about you, but I have to admire a film that features a plot where the entire set-up and eventual resolution boils down to nothing more than trying to see a pair of tits. To a teenage guy, especially in the 80’s, what better reason was there to see a film? Sure, whether Blondie finds his way to the gold or wondering if Dorothy will ever find her way back home to Kansas are pretty thrilling plots, but trying to catch a glimpse of the good girl at your schools tits? Epic. Of course as awe-inducing as the point of the film may be, you have to have something surrounding this premise if you actually want to make a full-length film out of the idea, and luckily director Rafal Zielinski and writers Jim Wynorski and Linda Shayne do a good job of keeping things interesting. Stupidly interesting, but interesting all the same. Let’s face it, Screwballs isn’t going to win any awards, but watching this unlikely quintet of fellas (would the school nerd, a masturbating fatboy, a preppy rich kid, the school jock, and the new kid really hang out like best buds?) do everything in their power to see some nip is a rewarding experience. Just make sure you check your decency at the door. This is an awful flick, but its balls-out, unmitigated charm is undeniable.
Severin Films have put together a nice little package for Screwballs' debut on DVD and Blu-Ray. While you can’t complain about the quality of the DVD, the Blu-Ray is certainly a disappointment. That’s not to say it’s bad, it just doesn’t look much better than the DVD, which looks nearly the same while viewing it upconverted on an HDTV. Still, this is a decent anamorphic 1.66:1 print and I’m sure Severin did all they could with what they had to work with. The English mono track is in very good shape, with all dialogue coming through nice and clear. There are a lot of extras on the disc, starting out with four video interviews featuring director Rafal Zielinski, writers Jim Wynorski and Linda Shayne, star Kent Deuters, and FX artist Gerald Lukaniuk. You’ll hear stories that range from getting the film off the ground, working with Roger Corman (his New World Pictures produced the film), and how to make boners throb on the cheap (seriously). Next up is a piece featuring Canuxsploitation expert Paul Corupe, who talks about the Canadian tax shelter exploitation boom, as well as comparing finally seeing the tits in Screwballs to the reveal of Harry Lime in The Third Man; a wise, wise man. Mr. Skin shows up to talk about the great sex comedies of the 80’s in an 8-minute piece, and rounding out the extras are some deleted and alternate scenes taken from a Spanish VHS tape (which include better shots of Purity’s boobs!) and the film’s original theatrical trailer.
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